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Pest Control University City MO


Since 2008, Unitech Pest Control has been a trusted name in pest management. What does it take to create a company that’s truly service-oriented? For Unitech, the answer lies in its founder’s 36-year journey. A pioneer in his field, he’s distilled his expertise into a company that puts its customers first. What sets us apart is our passion for people – we’re not just serving a community, we’re serving our neighbors, friends, and family. In University City, MO, we’re proud of the dent we’ve made in the community – and it’s all thanks to our unrelenting drive to pinpoint the most practical, sound solutions.

About Us

Unitech Pest Control was founded by a seasoned professional with 36 years of experience in the pest control industry. From households to schools, we’re dedicated to serving the diverse fabric of University City, MO, one exceptional service experience at a time, crafted with pride and a personal touch. Listening to our community is how we roll. We take that insight and craft solutions that provide real answers to pest problems.

With years of combined experience, our crew of skilled technicians has seen it all – and can confidently conquer any pest issue that comes their way. Imagine having a partner that can take on the biggest (or smallest) pest problems. That’s us. From aggressive rodents to persistent termites, we bring expertise and a gentle touch to each job. Environmental responsibility meets family-first care: we choose gentle methods that keep your home clean, green, and safe for all.

Pest problems can pop up anywhere, anytime. But with our expert pest control services, you can count on us to keep your home and business clean, safe, and pest-free. Imagine having a partner who truly gets you – one that LISTENS, cares, and proves it through action. That’s us. We take pride in forging meaningful relationships, one client at a time, built on a foundation of trust and transparency. Choose Unitech Pest Control for a safer, pest-free environment in University City, MO.

Full-Service Pest Management Wentzville, MO

Residential Pest Control

Our residential pest control services are dedicated to keeping your home safe and healthy. In University City, MO, pests can easily become a serious problem if left unchecked. That’s why we provide a comprehensive range of pest control solutions to handle everything from ants to rodents, and all the unwanted critters in between.

What sets us apart is our proactive strategy – we don’t just eliminate the current pest issue, we also lay the groundwork to keep your space pest-free down the line. Picture this: a home that’s a perfect blend of coziness and protection. That’s what we strive for by getting to the heart of what you need most. Below are the specific services we offer to protect your home from unwanted intrusions:

Ant Control

Ant infestations can disrupt your daily life. Ants don't stand a chance against our control services. We track them back to their hidden colonies and remove them at the root. Ants don't stand a chance against our effective treatments. We work to exterminate them, remove their food sources, and keep your home inhospitable to future infestations.

A sign of no-rodents

Rodent Control

Rodents can compromise the safety and cleanliness of your home. Our rodent control services address all types of rodents, employing effective strategies to eliminate them. We focus on both removal and prevention, ensuring long-term protection for your home.

A sign of bed-bug

Bed Bug Control

Bed bugs can disrupt your sleep and cause discomfort. Bed bugs don't stand a chance against our battle-tested team. We Conduct top-to-bottom inspections and deploy targeted treatments to rid your space of these unwanted guests. The bed bug battle is won when we're called in. Our expert team tackles the problem head-on, leaving your home pest-free and your mind at ease.

Mosquito Control

Mosquitoes can make outdoor activities unpleasant and pose health threats. Imagine lounging in your backyard without swatting away pesky mosquitoes; our services get you closer to that reality by dramatically thinning their ranks. Imagine being able to fire up the grill, host a backyard BBQ, or simply sit outside with a good book – all without the nuisance of mosquitoes. That's what our targeted treatments can do for you.

Earwig Control

Earwigs can be a nuisance when they find their way inside your home. Our earwig control services aim to identify and block entry points, reducing their presence. Say goodbye to recurring earwig infestations – our expert methods guarantee an earwig-free home, every time.

Spider Control

Spiders can be unsettling when they invade your living spaces. We'll sniff out the sneaky spots where spiders slip in and shut them down for good. Our spider control service is all about shutting the door on unwanted eight-legged guests. Don't let spiders call the shots – our expert team will implement reliable strategies to reclaim your space and keep it that way.

Termite Control

Termites can cause significant damage to your property. Termites don't stand a chance against our team. We scour every nook and cranny to identify termite activity, and then deploy custom treatments to eliminate the problem at its source. Home is where the heart is, and termites can destroy that sense of security. That's why we're committed to preventative measures and efficient removal strategies, ensuring your home remains a haven from these destructive pests.

Rat & Mice Control

Rats and mice can cause damage and pose health risks. Say goodbye to scurrying sounds in the night! Our rodent control services involve a thorough sweep of your property to uncover hidden nests, removal of unwanted guests, and a series of clever barrier installments to keep them from coming back. Rodents aren't welcome here. We evict them from your home and make sure they don't come back, so you can rest easy knowing your space is rodent-free.

Cockroach Control

Cockroaches are not only unsightly but also pose health risks. You can't coexist with cockroaches, so we go on high alert with comprehensive property checks and adaptive treatments that put these pests on notice. Cockroaches don't stand a chance against us.

Commercial Pest Control

Our commercial pest control services are designed to protect businesses from the challenges posed by pests. For businesses that cater to the public, a spotless and secure environment is paramount. It’s the unspoken expectation that lets customers focus on what they came for, and employees thrive in. University City, MO businesses can breathe a sigh of relief – our team is here to tackle the nasty, hidden critters that threaten to shut you down.

From creepy crawlies to furry interlopers, we’ve got the expertise to keep your workspace safe and sanitized. From eateries to real estate agencies, every commercial property is unique and faces distinct security challenges – our services are designed to address these specific needs.

Restaurant | Unitech Pest


Pest problems can severely impact the reputation and hygiene of your restaurant. The thought of pests in your restaurant can be overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be. With our expert pest control services, you can breathe easy knowing that your establishment is free from unwanted critters, and your customers can enjoy a meal without any nasty surprises.

From corner to corner, we leave no stone unturned in our pursuit of a pest-free dining space. Insect control and rodent prevention are our top priorities, ensuring a safe and satisfying experience for every guest.

Brewing Art


Breweries are particularly susceptible to pests due to the presence of food and beverages. Breweries have a lot to lose when pests get in the way. Our pest control services aim to stop that from happening, safeguarding your product and brand reputation from the get-go. Brewery hygiene is our top priority.


Hotels must maintain a high standard of cleanliness and comfort for guests. When it comes to hotel pests, time is money. One infestation can wreck your online ratings and hammer your bottom line. Our specialized pest control services kick in fast, targeting bed bugs, rodents, and cockroaches with a vengeance, so you can get back to business as usual. To keep your guests happy and your hotel's reputation shining, we take a step-ahead approach. This means anticipating potential issues and solving them before they arise.

Property Owners

For property owners, pest control is essential to protect the value and safety of their buildings. Pesky rodents, allergen-spewing cockroaches, and other unwanted visitors – we take care of them all. Our goal? Pest-free environments for renters, workers, and businesses. Safeguarding your investments from infestations is a serious business. We take a proactive approach, developing solutions that offer lasting protection and peace of mind.

Our Process

Our process ensures that your pest control needs are met with thorough and effective solutions. First, we solidify the foundation; then, we elevate the middle; and finally, we refine the end result – that’s how we structure our approach in three central stages. Check, fix, and forestall – these three crucial steps are the backbone of any solid maintenance strategy.

1. Inspection

Our team begins with a detailed inspection of your property to identify the type and extent of the pest issue. This step helps us understand the specific challenges and allows us to develop a targeted action plan to address the problem effectively.

2. Treatment

Once the inspection is complete, we proceed with customized treatments designed to eliminate the identified pests. Our methods are safe and efficient, ensuring that pests are removed without causing harm to your property or disrupting your daily activities.

3. Prevention

After treatment, our focus shifts to preventing future infestations. We provide recommendations and implement strategies to keep pests from returning. This proactive approach ensures long-term protection and peace of mind for your home or business.

Why Choose Us

When it comes to pest control in University City, MO, we stand out for our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. Here are the reasons why you should choose us:

Experienced Professionals

Our team consists of skilled professionals with years of experience in effective pest control solutions. They bring expertise and dedication to every job, ensuring optimal results.

Customized Solutions

We offer solutions specifically designed to address your unique pest problems. Our tailored approach ensures that each treatment plan meets the specific needs of your property.

Environmentally Friendly Practices

We use eco-friendly methods that are safe for both your family and the environment. Our treatments minimize the impact on nature while effectively controlling pests.

Prompt and Reliable Service

Our team is dedicated to providing quick and dependable service to meet your pest control needs. We prioritize timely responses and efficient solutions to keep your property pest-free.

Comprehensive Coverage

We offer a wide range of services that cover all aspects of pest control, from prevention to elimination. This ensures your property remains protected from various pest threats.

Ongoing Support

We provide continuous support and follow-up services to ensure your home remains pest-free. Our commitment to long-term protection gives you peace of mind.

Competitive Pricing

We offer top-notch pest control services at prices that fit your budget. Our competitive pricing ensures you receive excellent value for your money without compromising on quality.

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    What Our Clients Say


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    $20.00 off Initial Treatment

    Quarterly Services

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  • Contact Us

    For expert pest control in University City, MO, reach out to us today. Our team is ready to provide effective solutions and support for all your pest control needs.


    Regular visits every 3-4 months are recommended for complete protection against pests. Our team offers various options based on the size of your home or business, from monthly to quarterly service packages.

    Yes! Unitech offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee for its exceptional services. We are confident in our expertise and promise no repeat payments for any recurring issues after treatment.

    Any professional pest exterminator offers several advantages over DIY solutions. Our pest control experts have years of experience and can quickly identify what type of pest is infesting your home before administering a safe, effective treatment tailored to your specific situation. We guarantee results while also providing peace of mind that the job is done right.

    For guaranteed long-term pest protection and peace of mind, our custom plans are ideal. Annual service is the most effective way to keep your property pest-free long-term. A one-time service may provide temporary relief. But with yearly maintenance, you can be confident that your home or business will be protected from pests all year.

    Home to over 35,000 people, University City (U-City) is a vibrant and bustling inner-ring suburb located in the west of St. Louis, Missouri. Boasting six square miles of living space and just minutes away from major attractions like Forest Park, Lambert St. Louis International Airport, the iconic St.Louis Arch as well as its range of riverfront activities – U-city has it all! Its rich history combined with an enthusiastic community makes this place one of the most sought-after destinations for both residents and businesses alike looking for success within their respective fields. The city also offers plenty of recreational activities such as its award-winning parks and trails, public golf courses, swimming pools, and tennis courts among many other amenities for residents to enjoy.