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Bed Bug Control Lake St.Louis MO

Bed Bug Control Lake St Louis, MO

Unitech Pest Control provides top-notch bed bug control services in Lake St. Louis, Missouri. Bed bugs can quickly become a major problem in homes and businesses, causing stress and discomfort. Effective bed bug control is crucial to ensure a healthy living environment and prevent further infestations.

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    Identifying and Understanding Bed Bug Infestations

    Bed bugs are small, oval-shaped insects that feed on the blood of humans and animals. They are often found in beds, furniture, and other areas where people sleep or rest. Common signs of a bed bug infestation include itchy bites on the skin, small blood stains on sheets or mattresses, and the presence of tiny, dark-colored spots (bed bug excrement) on bedding or furniture. You might also notice shed skins or even live bed bugs in cracks and crevices. Recognizing these signs early is key to preventing a widespread infestation.

    Our Bed Bug Control Services

    Comprehensive Inspection

    Our bed bug control services begin with a thorough inspection of your home. We carefully examine beds, furniture, and other potential hiding spots to identify the presence of bed bugs. Our trained technicians use specialized tools and techniques to ensure no corner is left unchecked. Early detection is key to effective treatment and minimizing disruption to your home.

    Heat Treatment Process

    Heat treatment is one of the most effective ways to eradicate bed bugs. This process involves raising the temperature in the affected areas to levels that are lethal to bed bugs but safe for your home. Here’s how our heat treatment works:


    We instruct you on how to prepare your home for heat treatment. This includes removing items sensitive to high temperatures and ensuring all areas are accessible.


    Throughout the heating process, we monitor the temperature carefully to ensure it reaches all potential hiding spots. Our technicians check every corner to confirm that the heat is uniformly distributed.


    Our team sets up industrial heaters and monitoring devices to gradually increase the temperature in the infested rooms. We aim for a temperature that bed bugs cannot survive, typically around 120-135°F.

    Post-Treatment Inspection:

    After the heat treatment, we conduct a follow-up inspection to ensure all bed bugs have been eradicated. We also provide guidance on how to prevent future infestations.

    Ongoing Support

    We believe in providing ongoing support to our customers. After completing the treatment, we offer advice on maintaining a bed bug-free environment and are always available for follow-up inspections if needed. Our commitment is to keep your home safe and comfortable by eliminating bed bugs efficiently and effectively.

    Why Choose Us

    Experienced and Qualified Team

    At Unitech Pest Control, our team has extensive experience in tackling bed bug infestations. Our professionals are thoroughly trained and equipped to handle various scenarios, ensuring effective and reliable results every time.

    Commitment to Safety

    We prioritize safety in all our pest control procedures. Our methods are designed to protect your family, pets, and property, ensuring a secure environment throughout the treatment process.

    Eco-Friendly Products

    We use eco-friendly products that are both effective and safe. These products help maintain a healthy living space while thoroughly addressing your bed bug concerns without harming the environment.

    Bed Bugs

    Contact Us

    For top-notch Lake St. Louis Bed Bug Control services, contact us now. Our welcoming staff is ready to assist with scheduling an inspection and beginning your treatment journey. Secure a pest-free living space—book your inspection today!

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Bed bugs often enter homes or businesses through luggage, clothing, used furniture, or other items brought in from infested areas. They can also move between rooms in multi-unit buildings, making early detection crucial.

    Bed bugs are small, oval-shaped, and reddish-brown insects. Adult bed bugs are about the size of an apple seed, while nymphs (immature bed bugs) are smaller and lighter in color.

    While bed bugs are known to cause itchy bites and allergic reactions, they are not known to spread diseases. However, their presence can lead to significant discomfort and stress.

    If you notice signs of bed bugs, such as bites, blood stains, or dark spots on bedding, contact a professional pest control service immediately. Early intervention is key to preventing a widespread infestation.

    Our comprehensive inspection involves a meticulous examination of your home, including beds, furniture, and potential hiding spots. Our trained technicians use specialized tools to detect bed bugs and assess the extent of the infestation.

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